Mysterious 'Spider-Man' receives 450,000 RMB in cash for helping out with drug bust

Spider-Man seems to have quit his day job of cleaning very high and precarious places, and gone back to the more lucrative world of crime-fighting.

On December 27th, police in Guangdong carried out a huge drug bust, arresting 20 suspects, seizing 600 kilograms in raw materials and 630 kilograms in methamphetamine, ecstasy and other drugs. It all would not have been possible without the help of one masked hero.

 So yesterday, this man received his just reward, arriving at the PSB office with a Spider-Man mask and SWAT escort to accept 450,000 yuan in cash, the biggest single pay day in Guangdong police history

Typically we see this kind of thing when lucky lottery winners come to pick up their oversized checks, but Spidey here would seem to have two very good incentives for keeping his identity a secret.
btw, here's what that kind of cash looks like:

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